Learn about why the one-to-one ratio makes all the difference.
friendships and fun
This is a once-in-a-lifetime summer camp experience for young adults and children with disabilities between the ages of 6 and 21. With our one-to-one ratio, we can establish personal relationships between our campers and counselors and welcome a wider range of abilities.
endless fun awaits
While we wish we had room for every child every summer, space at Special Camp is limited. We strongly encourage you to complete an application before our priority deadline which allows our staff to begin summer camp preparations and aids our enrollment process. After the priority date, we move to a general, rolling admission on a first-come, first-served basis. If there are no sessions available at the time, campers are placed on a waiting list. As families’ summer plans change, spots open up and waiting list campers are enrolled.
Our tuition fee is $700 per session. The fees help to underwrite the cost of activities, transportation, training and management of the camp. Scholarships are available to those who qualify.
the more, the merrier
Each camp session hosts 50 campers. A majority of the campers have Down Syndrome, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, are developmentally delayed, and 10% use wheelchairs, but all are welcome.
safety first
The safety and well-being of our participants and staff is our primary concern so our summer camp has a fully qualified and trained registered nursing staff for both on-site and off-site activities.
fun in many forms
Special Camp days are packed from beginning to end with activity, but each day is designed for all abilities.

let the fun begin
Your application is confidential and the only people who will view it are our staff and your camper’s assigned counselor. If this is a camper’s first year, you will be contacted by our Camper Coordinator to arrange a house visit. And because we know life is busy enough without applications, Coordinators work with each family throughout the application process. They are advocates, liaisons, and most importantly, friends.